Jamaican Dollar
Since 1969, Jamaica has used the Jamaican dollar as its official currency. J$ is a common abbreviation used to distinguish it from other currencies denominated in dollars. Although as of 2018, penny denominations are no longer used, it is divisible into 100 cents. Despite the fact that cash transactions are now rounded to the closest dollar, goods and services may still be priced in pennies.
how has the value of the currency changed in the last year?
USD 1 = JMD 153.04
How much is10 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 10 US dollars is worth 1,530.44 Jamaican dollars
How much is50 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 50 US dollars is worth 7,652.18 Jamaican dollars
How much is100 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 100 US dollars is worth 15,304.36 Jamaican dollars
How much is500 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 500 US dollars is worth 76,521.78 Jamaican dollars
How much is2,000 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 2,000 US dollars is worth 306,087.13 Jamaican dollars
How much is10 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 10 US dollars is worth 1,530.44 Jamaican dollars
How much is50 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 50 US dollars is worth 7,652.18 Jamaican dollars
How much is100 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 100 US dollars is worth 15,304.36 Jamaican dollars
How much is500 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 500 US dollars is worth 76,521.78 Jamaican dollars
How much is2,000 US dollars worth inJamaican dollars?
At the current exchange rate, 2,000 US dollars is worth 306,087.13 Jamaican dollars